Hal Simonson CFP®, RIAC, MFA-P, CFDS
Hal grew up in small towns across British Columbia and Alberta. Less than three days after high school graduation he headed off to Basic Officer Training. This started a military career that led to a science degree from Royal Roads Military College and a stint as the platoon commander in charge of Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Defense for Western Canada. He joined IG Wealth Management in 1996.
After spending 25 years focusing on conventional tax and retirement focused financial planning, in 2021 Hal expanded his focus to include philanthropic planning and aims to facilitate $50,000,000 in charitable contributions before he retires. Hal was the 9,105th person globally to take the Giving What We Can pledge, committing 10% of his lifetime income to be donated to the world’s most effective charities.
Hal and his wife Sarah have raised three fine young men together. Outside work Hal enjoys spending summer outside at their cabin, spending winter inside playing cards, plus cooking (and trying to exercise away the cooking calories) year round.